In 2017, Russ Phillips and Nathan Wells founded Path Company. Russ, a mechanical engineer with a careers-worth of experience in HVAC and performance contracting, and Nathan, who has amassed an extensive amount of government experience, seized an opportunity to create a world-class energy services company (ESCO) from the ground up.
Russ' high-level ESCO expertise provided insight on how to improve the business model, and Nathan brought solutions on how to improve government efficiency, and how to address deferred maintenance issues. Their combined knowledge and experience opened the door for an infrastructure company with an unmatched customer service standard.
Today, Path is an industry leader composed of world-class engineers, construction
professionals, project managers, and support staff. With offices across the Southeastern United
States, we continue to expand while maintaining the highest level of customer-first standards and a
community-first mindset.
In 2021, PATH was approved by the United States Department of Energy as an ESCO and in late 2022 PATH became accredited by the National Association of Energy Service Companies (NAESCO).



Business Development